Sunday, July 10, 2011

Whiter Teeth! And sea salt?

Hey yall(=

My teeth naturally came in....yellowish =\ After a recent dentist trip, they recommended I use Crest whitening strips because they really do work. Being the cheap family, we went out and bought the Target version "Up&Up advanced whitening strips" haha

(^^^Look like this but in a white box.)
Review: 4/5

Pros: Good price (15$ for 7 top&bottom trays), whitened, good size, conformed to teeth (most of the time), does what it says it will do!, and a few weeks later, while the brighteness faded a little bit, they're still white

Cons: Sometimes would slide around, and can be a little uncomfortable. Can sting gum if not applied properly (it doesn't hurt but it's not comfortable really either)

Recommended b(^-^)d


For the Fourth, I was at the beach (spent a week there) and after being in the ocean, my skin was really nice. I noticed my pores were smaller and clearer on my nose.
Might be adding Sea Salt to my cleansing regimen ;D

Be happy, healthy, and safe!(=

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